Past Meeting Minutes

September Regular Meeting 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Summary: Approval of budget to have mill levy at .031243 and occupation tax at $10.00, CREP renewal plans have been written, RCPP deadline of Nov.

August Regular Meeting 2016

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Summary: Approval to go to budget hearing, NRCS picked up another $135,000 of EQIP money and will fill 7 more contracts, N-ORPE status report, Bill Moore replacement well and the board tabled the matter indefinitely, Approval of the Brown & Caldwell contract to go and meet with DNR, payroll will now be completed by McChesney Martin Sagehorn, PC out of North Platte, and Motion to not join the other NRD’s for hiring a lobbyist.

July Regular Meeting 2016

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Summary: Additional Ogallala Aquifer Funding for EQIP contracts, Working on High Tech Irrigation Grant, 1098 basin planning is moving forward in a positive way, N-CORPE status report, Frenchman Valley credits we are chasing, approved the proposal for hiring TZA for the scope of work Russell requested, Approval of wage/salary increases for 2016-2017, and Merrigan went over the trade in price on Rich’s vehicle and the details he was looking at for a 2016 Chevy pickup and approval was granted.

June Regular Meeting 2016

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Summary: Discussion of the proposed drafted budget, Insurance renewal approval, New Soil Conservationist is now at the Trenton office, received an additional $30,000 of EQIP funds and NRCS had made another request for $363,000 for funding, N-CORPE Status Report, reviewed some of the proposed changes to the Rules & Regulations, and Boyce gave another update of the Medicine Creek Model.

May Regular Meeting 2016

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Summary: Looking into ideas on a buyback program for carryover inches, possibility of building a phone app, N-CORPE Status Report, Boyce made a presentation of Medicine Creek Model, staff currently working on the rewriting process of the Rules and Regulations, and developed a cooperative agreement with UNL to install more monitoring wells in 8-35 of Hayes County.

April Regular Meeting 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Summary: Water Sustainability Funding will be accepting more grants July 15 – July 31, Approved two $500 scholarships, 1098-Basin Planning had a meeting that only the stakeholders were allowed with DNR, N-CORPE Status Report, Chemigation program being rebuilt due to the fact we lost information, and Tree Planting Status update.

March Regular Meeting 2016

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Summary: Variance Request 10-2015, Variance Request 11-2015, New Trenton Secretary started work, RCPP Application had been approved for funding for all 4 NRD’s in the Republican River Basin, Motion to approve capped payment of $485 from our NRD with a ceiling cap of total payment of $1000 for both the Ogallala Initiative and the RCPP, National Envirothon in 2020, Russell & Johnson Attending NARD Washington D.C.

February Regular Meeting 2016

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Summary: NNRC is waiting for DNR to turn qualifying applications to them, D.C.

January Regular Meeting 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Summary: Bob Meyer went over the audit and answered questions, Variance – Virginia Trail, Uerling resigned as NARD Rep, N-CORPE was about 1/3 done pumping for 2016, Discussion on purchasing water from Enders, FVID agreement done, Variance – Kuhlman’s, Reminder for incumbents to file by deadline, Approval of purchasing a new pickup, and authorization to look into real estate negotiations.


November IMP Meeting 2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Summary: The purpose of this public hearing is to receive testimony concerning the revisions of the Integrated Management Plan (IMP) for the MRNRD and the Department of Natural Resources.
